Indonesia: Hindu Temple Site

Ancient Hindu Temple Uncovered in Yogyakarta of Indonesia. The excavation was performed under Archaeologists of Islamic University. It could shed light on Indonesia’s past. The intricately carved statues and reliefs are best preserved in Indonesia, but the dig is being conducted under stringent security for protecting the site from well-organised relic thieves.

The site was found on the grounds of Yogyakarta’s Islamic University, as workers probed the ground for laying foundations of a library. Digging beneath the surface revealed an extraordinary structure: three metres underground temple walls were still-standing. Heavy rain was responsible for exposing the top of a Ganesha statue, which was in a pristine condition. A few weeks on excavation revealed rare statues that can provide important facts about this discovery of Indonesia’s pre-Islamic culture.

A volcanic eruption might have covered the temple site around 10th CE., from maybe about 100 years after it was built. This eruption preserved all statues and reliefs in better condition. Now these are exposed, the temple’s contents need protection from plundering, for example, the Plaosan Temple, a nearby site was plundered. Also the heads of two rare Buddhist statues were stolen and traded by organised syndicates dealing in artefacts.

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