Cultural and Natural Wonders of Mizoram

Caves in Mizoram

Caves offer sheer thrill and adventure. On the adventure tour to Mizoram, you should include the caves which are an important tourist attraction.

  • Pukzing cave is the largest cave in Mizoram. According to the legend the cave was carved out using only a hair pin. The credit for construction goes to a sturdy man named Mualzavata.
  • Milu Puk Cave is a huge cave located near the village Mamte in Lunglei district. The term Milu Puk means ‘cave of skulls. A heap of human skeletons was found in the cave. The size of the skeletons indicate that they were a bit different than the Mizos.
  • Lamsial Puk Cave still reminds the people of the terrible fight between the two neighbouring villages. This fight took the lives of many warriors. It is located near the village Farkawn in the Aizawl district of Mizoram. The dead warriors were kept inside.

Festival in Mizoram

  • The venue for the winter festival is set at Tuirial Airfield, an abandoned airstrip, more than 19 km from the city center. It is celebrated to showcase the diverse culture and traditions with performances by well-known artists and bands, carnivals, cuisines, etc.
  • The Anthurium festival is for showcasing rich and vibrant Mizo customs and traditions.

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