Prambanan Compounds

Loro Jonggrang compounds consist of Sewu, Bubrah and Lumbung Temple. Prambanan is itself is a complex consisting of more than 200 temples. Built during heyday of King Sailendra’s reign in Java. Prambanan is between Java & Yogyakarta.

A 9th century complex with religious importance, which contain reliefs, Sewu, with four pairs of Dwarapala. Indonesia’s biggest Buddhist complex includes temples of Gana (Asu), Lumbung, Bubrah & these are decorated with motifs carved in stones which depicts the Indonesian version of Ramayana. There are shrines that have been arranged in 3 parts which shows levels of technology and experience of architecture in 8 Century, Java island.

Prambanan looks similar in architecture of Hindu temples at Angkor in Cambodia or My Son, Vietnam. While it is often seems overshadowed in Borobudur, Prambanan Temple has so much to offer. The earthquake of 2006 damaged the entire complex. Restoration efforts are underway, while major damages were already done to this site.

Prambanan has an opera with ruins as a backdrop. Flight for Yogyakarta can schedule visits to Prambanan and ruins in Borobudur from Bali. Return can be arranged within a day. Almost one day or two could be a sufficient for exploration.

History of Prambanan

10th century religious compounds of Prambanan complex are considered as most intricating temple complex in the world. The Prambanan is located close to Indonesia’s Borobodur Complex which is a Buddhist Temple. Prambanan consists 3 main temples, each one dedicated to Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu. A temple, 47m in altitude, is dedicated to Lord Shiva. A UNESCO Site in 1991. Prambanan was among Indonesia’s biggest site and one of Asia’s biggest heritage.

How to Reach Prambanan

The closest cities are Semarang as well as Yogyakarta. Hence, you can choose as a main node to get Prambanan compounds. Airlines that fly to Yogyakarta from Jakarta or other cities in Indonesia can be taken for exploration. Rent a vehicle, drive to Klaten. You will simply walk to the temple. Another option is to hire a Becak driver who will take you at Prambanan complex.

Exploring the Prambanan Complex

The best way for exploring the complex will be on foot. This allows you to explore architecture with landscape that spans in 35/39 hectares.

The main yard has three main temples. There are also 13 other smaller temples. The second yard has more than 186 temples.
Unlike the temples of Angkor Wat of Cambodia, the temples in Prambanan are easier to explore.

Prambanan’s Structural Design

structures that compose the Prambanan Temple Compounds are reminiscent of Hindu architectural design. It has Mandala temple complex plan, just like Borobodur. The vertical design is in line with the Hindu believes of cosmos. The base is known as Bhurlok, which consists of a large space with rectangular wall. It represents the unholy area in Hindu belief. The middle part is Bhuvarlok, the middle world. This section is where the worldly possessions are left behind as the pilgrims continue their quest to find the light of truth. Finally, Svarlok is the top of the temple which represents the god realm, holiest zone in a temple.

The discovery of the compounds happened in 1811, a surveyor stumbled upon the ruins. It was all abandoned and nothing was done to restore it. The locals used the foundation stones and looters took the relief from the temples as construction material or decorations for their own houses. A restoration was initiated in 1930. that is still ongoing at the temple complex.

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