Wonders of Mizoram


Offering sheer thrill during adventure trip to Mizoram, you can definitely include the caves which consists offbeat activities to explore while you’re staying in Mizoram.

  • Pukzing cave – This particular formation was in Mizoram, originally carved out using only a hair pin according to local beliefs.
  • Milu Puk of Mamte derived its name from the skeletons which were found here. The size of the human skeletons indicate that they were a bit different than Mizo people.
  • Lamsial Puk Cave still reminds people about the terrible fight between the two neighbouring villages. Lamsial Puk is located near Farkawn inside Aizawl. The dead warriors were kept inside Lamsial Puk.

An unique festival

Mizoram Vacation
Festivals of Mizoram

The venue for the winter festival is set at Tuirial Airfield, an abandoned airstrip, more than 19 km from the city center. It is celebrated to showcase the diverse culture through carnivals and cuisines.

The Anthurium festival is for showcasing vibrant Mizo customs and traditions.

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