Bihu : Assam

India, being a nation with many states and UTs, have plenty of festivities, aptly known as the land of festivals. The most significant celebration in Assam, an eastern state of India, is the harvest festival, Bihu.

October is the month for enthusiasts to visit Assam. During this month, Kongali Bihu or Kati Bihu is celebrated which denotes that paddy is still in developing stage. People of Assam celebrate Bihu for safety of rice/paddy, while the elder members of the family light earthen lamps, called ‘Saki’ at Tulsi plant which is usually found at the entrance of many Hindu houses or at the fields as well. ‘Pitha’ is fed to the household cattle for their productivity, a gesture to invite goddess of fortune, wealth, & prosperity – Lakshmi.

The Bihu dance is performed on the beat of drums, taal, pepa, toka, baahni, xuluni and gogona. Performers generally sing Bihu songs around fire. Also, there is a mutual exchange of gifts for a better bond. Pitha, a local sweet eaten in the eastern parts of the Indian Subcontinent, is made from rice, a delicacy of the festival that is shared and eaten with family, relatives or friends.

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