Kappakadavu : Kerala

Kappad or Kappakadavu is the rock-studded and historically famous beach, as it is here that Vasco Da Gama landed in India on May 27, 1498. He was the first European to explore India with 170 men that led to the relationship between India & Europe. This also became a permanent way for India from Europe for many centuries. It made many notable merchant companies from Europe to do commercial activities in India, which was later used to dominate the politics of the country.

Spices from Kerala is the wealth of Malabar, a major attraction that made the Arabs, Greeks, Phoenicans, Romans, Dutch, Portugese and the English to land here. Zamorins were the rulers of Malabar region who were shrewd and much powerful. Major trade centre, Kozhikode was controlled via Zamorins who did not encourage the Portugese, though they welcomed them, which made them to move southwards to Kollam and Kochi.

You can see a stone monument at Kappad beach which marks a important place, a 800 years temple in the rocks. Today, Kappad beach is a major tourist spot and it could be reached through a picturesque, uncrowded, unspoilt & bewitching backwaters of Kozhikode through Korappuzha River. The beach was beautified in 2007 and now it has a lovely park and corniche. The park also has a restaurant, seating and a rest room.

Activities to enjoy at Kappad

Some of the activities here are swimming, boat rides in sea, sub bath, a gentle stroll along the picturesque beach, etc. There are many beach-side snacks shop that offer a wide variety of fresh and delicious sea foods. Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary along with Thusharagiri, a group of waterfalls are the fascinating attractions at Kappad.

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