Jhalawar Fort
The Fort of Gagron is situated in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan, about 85 km from Kota. Earlier known as Dodagarh and then Dhulargarh. It is one of the six hill forts of Rajasthan – others being Ranathambore, Chittor, Kumbhalgarh, Jaisalmer, Amer.
A Jaldurg fort that faces rivesr, while the towers were embedded on the Mukundarrah hills which provide the fort with a natural foundation, hence no external foundation were required. The fort has a moat of medieval times with cylindrical towers for keeping watch.
The fort has went under several conservation works. Madhusudan Temple, living quarters, Water management system with armory (baroodkhana) have been repaired. The Jauhar Kund where the queen and commoners committed Jauhar – a ritual of self-sacrifice by burning oneself into flames, reminds of the tragic past tales.